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The "Bulletin of the North-East Scientific Center, Russia Academy of Sciences Far East Branch" (Вестник Северо-восточного научного центра ДВО РАН), hereinafter referred to as the "Bulletin", is a scientific quarterly journal published since 2005.

The Bulletin of the North-East Scientific Center of FEB RAS is a quaternary published since 2005. It is included in the list of reviewed scientific journals that publish basic results of Candidate and Doctoral dissertations in the following subject matters:

1.6. - Geological and Mineralogical Sciences:
  1.6.1. General and regional geology. Geotectonics and geodynamics.
  1.6.2. Paleontology and Stratigraphy.
  1.6.3. Petrology. Volcanology.
  1.6.4. Mineralogy, crystallography. Geochemistry, geochemical methods of prospecting for Mineral and Organic Resources.
  1.6.7. Engineering Geology, Permafrost and Soil Science.
  1.6.10. Geology, search and exploration of solid minerals, minerageny.
1.5. - Biological Sciences:
  1.5.9. Botany
  1.5.12. Zoology
  1.5.13. Ichthyology
  1.5.16. Hydrobiology

Journal articles are assigned DOI through Crossref.

The quaternary publishes results of research in the basic scientific trends:

  • Geology, Geophysics, and Geodynamics of Sedimentary Basins
  • Geological Processes in the Continent-to-Ocean Transition Zone
  • Regularities in Distribution, Geology, and Genesis of Mineral Deposits
  • History and Archaeology of Russia's North-East
  • Biological Diversity, Scientific Foundations of Protection, Reproduction, and Sustainable Use of Biological Resources in the North
  • Social, Economic, and Ecological Problems of the Region
  • Medical and Biological Peculiarities of Human Activities in the North-East of Russia.

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The Bulletin of the North-East Research Center FEB RAS is registered by the Federal Service for Supervising Communication, IT, and Mass Media (Certificate ПИ № ФС 77-74372 of 19.11.2018 г.). It circulates in the Russian Federation and abroad.

Mailing address: SVKNII DVO RAN, 16 Portovaya St., Magadan 685000, Russia.
Phone: 7 (4132) 630802, phone/fax: 7 (4132) 630442.

ISSN 1814-0998
"NEISRI FEB RAS" Publishing