The Bulletin of the North-East Science Center publishes original papers of the theoretical, methodological, and applied character on Earth sciences, biology, ecology, history and archaeology, medical and biological characteristics of the man in the North. The journal is included in the scientific publication list of the Higher Commission for Degrees and Titles (in Earth sciences and biology). Authors are not charged for publishing their materials. The recommended paper volume is 10K (brief information) to 40K of printed characters, including intervals and illustrations. No more than 5 figures and 5 tables per article are accepted.
Materials for publishing are submitted by e-mail to
and have to be provided with a covering letter from the first author's employer. Text materials should be prepared in MS Word or OpenOffice Writer in the .doc, .docx, or .rtf format.
The journal accepts manuscripts in Russian and English. The title of the manuscript, information about the authors with their affiliation and business addresses, annotation (to 350 words), key words, references, captions, and table titles should be translated in Russian. Providing the ORCID identifiers of the authors is highly recommended.
The title of the article has to be preceded by the UDC index, research area and its code in accordance with the Classification of Research Areas at
The Editors attribute the articles to be published with the DOI and place it after the key words.
We recommend that the author(s) structure the paper body according to the following outline:
- Introduction and problem statement
- Research methodology and factual material
- Research results
- Discussion
- Conclusion.
Paper body formatting:
- Font size 12; interval 1.5 for the whole text, including captions, table titles, and references
- No justification
- Bold and italic can be used for highlighting some elements in the text
- Pages and lines numbered throughout the whole text
- Margins:
- Left 3 cm
- Upper 2.5cm
- Right and lower 2 cm each
- Illustrations with captions follow the References in the basic paper file and also attached to the manuscript as separate graphic files
- Drawings should be vector or bitmap, minimum 300 dpi
- Black-and-white or color (paid by agreement) drawings can be accepted
- When printing the journal, all color pictures are automatically converted to black and white.
- Color illustrations are available as a pdf copy of the journal only.
- Acceptable drawing formats are TIFF, JPG, PNG, EPS, and CDR (no later than version 2024)
- Details of a color drawing must retain a clearly visible difference when printed in black and white.
- Fonts to be used in illustrations are Arial and Times
- Formulas and equations are compiled in MS Word, MathType, or the OpenOffice Math formula editor.
- Formulas and equations should be put on a separate line in the text
- Symbols and digital coefficients should be explained directly under the formula following their sequence in it
- Formulas are numbered through the whole text by ciphers in round brackets in the utmost right position in the line, e.g.:
where 𝑎 is invariable, 𝑥 is variable.
- References in the text are put in parentheses: (name, year).
- In the references, publications are alphabetized but not numbered.
- For articles in Russian, the list of references in Russian is followed by that in English.
- In the References in English, items are alphabetized, according to the Latin alphabet.
- The source DOI is presented, if available.
- References to Internet sources are provided in the
text indicating the name of the site (address / date of access), for example, Index Fungorum (; date of access: 02/23/2023).
The Editorial Board makes a decision on publishing a paper at its meeting, after the manuscript has been reviewed by two experts. We recommend authors to submit a list of 2-4 potential reviewers with their contact information (name, e-mail address, affiliation).
The manuscript returned to the author for amendment or reworking has to be returned to the editors within the next two months, with all due amendments made. After two months, it is considered not returned on time and, as such, is taken off the list. The amended/reworked manuscript has to be accompanied by the author's letter including the changes made and comprehensive responses to all remarks from reviewers. After the article has been approved for publication, the author cannot make essential changes or additions. The date of the paper submitting is the date when the Editorial Board receives its first version. The Board reserves the right to make editorial alterations not distorting the sense of the manuscript.
Materials not meeting the editorial requirements are returned to the author(s) without reviewing.
The address for submitting manuscripts:
Editorial Board
Bulletin of the North-East Science Center
16 Portovaya St.
Magadan, 685000
Tel. +7 (4132) 63-08-02, +7 (4132) 63-04-42
Procedure for Reviewing Manuscripts Submitted for Publishing in Bulletin of the North-East Science Center
All contributions in compliance with the journal topicality are reviewed for expert evaluation.
All reviewers are acknowledged experts in subject areas of materials submitted for revision and have published works on the reviewed paper topics within the last 3 years.
Paper manuscripts formatted according to the Rules for Authors are selected for revision.
A selected manuscript is sent to at least two reviewers with expertise in the paper subject area.
Contributions are reviewed anonymously.
In case of two positive reviews, the manuscript is accepted for publishing and sent to the Editorial Staff for editing.
In case of criticism requiring additional work on the text or illustrations, the manuscript is returned to the author for correction. The date of submission is, consequently, the date of receiving the final version of the article by the Editorial Board.
In case of disagreement between the two reviewers, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer. Irrespective of his/her conclusion, the manuscript is then discussed by the Editorial Board, which makes the final decision on publishing the paper.
In case of the negative conclusion of the reviewers and the Editorial Board, a letter of explained rejection is sent to the author.
The established term for paper revision is 7-10 days.
Reviews are archived in the Editors Office for 5 years.