.:VESTNIK NESC FEB RAS - 2008, #1, P. 91-96:.
UDC 631.43
Hydrologic Characteristics of Sand Drifts in Baikal Lake Contiguous Areas
© 2008  N. N. Khaptukhaeva, V. A. Tarmaev
Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS, Ulan-Ude
Sandy drifts hosted in intermountain troughs of Selenghian Mountains were studied in terms of their hydrologic characteristics. Low soil moisture and low moisture variability is established for winnowed soils, by virtue of a quantile analysis. In order to assess the spatial laws of soil-and-environment dynamics, the topoclimatic contrasting factor is used.
Keywords:  soil, desert-forming processes, exposure, slope minor zone, solid phase density, soil density, porosity, quantile, ecopair, evapotranspiration, moisture reserve, topoclimatic difference (contrast).
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