.:VESTNIK NESC FEB RAS - 2008, #1, P. 107-109:.
UDC 599.735.3(571.56)
Reasons for a Drop in the Number of Elks (Alces alces Linnaeus, 1758) in Yakutia
© 2008  N. P. Prokopiev1, B. T. Sedalischev2
1 Institute of Applied Ecology of the North, Academy of Sciences of the Sakha Republic, Yakutsk
2 Institute of Biological Problems of cryolithozone, SB RAS, Yakutsk
Reasons for a dropping number of elks in the territory of Yakutia are discussed in this paper. Recommendations are made to prevent any further drop in their number.
Keywords:  elk, wolf, the number of, density, region.
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