.:VESTNIK NESC FEB RAS - 2006, #2, P. 49-53:.
UDC 581.526.32(282.257.511)
Aquatic Floras in Brackish Lakes of the Onon River Area (The Southeastern Baikal Area)
© 2006  B. B. Bazarova
Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS, Chita
This paper presents the results of studying aquatic plants in brackish-water lakes placed in the Onon River аrea (Chita Region). The diversity and distribution of aquatic plants is shown to be closely related to the lake mineralization characteristics. Brackish lakes in the study area have Potamogeton рectinatus as the most typical species.
Keywords:  аquatic plants, brackish lakes, the Onon River аrea.
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