.:VESTNIK NESC FEB RAS - 2006, #2, P. 92-94:.
UDC 631.8:631.4:551.4(571.54)
Sewage Waters Affecting the Agrochemical Characteristics of Alluvial Sod Soils
© 2006  A. A. Badmaev, S. G. Doroshkevich, L. L. Ubugunov
Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS, Ulan-Ude
This paper presents the study results of greater sewage sludge amounts, including their different potash fertilizer mixtures (on the NP background), which affect the agrochemical characteristics of soil fertility, also the quantitative structure of organic substance and a microbiological activity, and add to the heavy metal contamination of alluvial sod soils in the territory of Buryatia.
Keywords:  agrochemistry, alluvial sod soil, fertilizer, sewage sludge.
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